Carbon Monoxide

Partial column (17 levels) and total column carbon monoxide concentrations

Quick Start Guide (coming soon)

Product User Guide
(coming soon)

Summary Specification:

Global, expected to cover 06:2013 to 12:2022 (near-real-time processing to will extend processing into 2023). Resolution: individual IASI pixels (12 km radius footprint at nadir).

Obtaining the data:

Data will be released on the CEDA archive ( soon.


Illingworth, S. M., Remedios, J. J., Boesch, H., Moore, D. P., Sembhi, H., Dudhia, A., and Walker, J. C.: ULIRS, an optimal estimation retrieval scheme for carbon monoxide using IASI spectral radiances: sensitivity analysis, error budget and simulations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 269–288,, 2011.